Thursday, November 24, 2011
giving thanks
then that minute was up and i am putting the sadness on the back burner. i have way more to be thankful for than to be sad about. here are just a few of those things:
- while i don't particularly want to be getting ready to go to work right now, i am so thankful that i have a job to go to and that i really enjoy going (when it isn't a holiday :))
- i am thankful that i have awesome friends who have invited me to their home after work to eat and be together (and that cort's mom makes dressing that tastes exactly like my mom's!)
- i am thankful that i am gonig to the hospital to work and for no other reason.
- i am thankful that my aggies are going to play tonight and hopefully kick t.u.'s ass one last time.
- i am thankful for all of the preggo's in my life (oddly there are 8) that are having super healthy pregnancies and will have super awesome children next spring and summer (starting with my neice due january 16th!!).
- i am thankful that i was able to get ready in 15 minutes this morning because i have the option of wearing scrubs when i don't want to put on the professional get-up.
- i am thankful that i do get to go home for christmas and have the above experience with the fam (and that my sister is going to text me updates of anything that i am missing today).
while this list could go on and on, i do have to get to work and hopefully bring some thanksgiving cheer to my patients who are having to spend the holiday in the hospital. i hope that you all have a lovely day with ones you love...i know i plan to. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
its gonna be a good week

Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
may seem a little weird with the hashbrowns and all but this soup tastes like my favorite baked potato soup at central market. especially with sour cream, cheese, and some bacon pieces garnishing it. highly reccommend this recipe, especially if you are like me and like a non-chunky soup. delish!
tomorrow i am doing this crock pot recipe and really hope these sandwiches are as good as they look in the photo.

Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
currently on the stove is my mom's super yummy taco soup recipe to take for lunch this week and i am also baking this interesting concoction:

Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
hopefully it tastes as good as it seems that it should!
i am certainly not adventurous or well-practiced at cooking but am trying to branch out. really trying to be better about it and think that i am off to a good start (especially since i have discovered the super easy convenience of the crock pot!)
top 10 list...
10. i can wear scrubs if i want to. black top and bottom (my favorite clothing color!). i haven't purchased any yet but plan on getting a pair for those days that there is nothing clean.
9. i walk or stand almost allllllllll day. i learned very quickly that my cute flats that i used to wear will not cut it so i broke down and invested in some dansko shoes. not cute but after seeing that pretty much everyone that works at the hospital wears them i got these:
i am also aware that my momma has some like this:

(both pair found here)
8. i have to remember to wear my id badge everyday. 3 times without it = termination. AND it cost $25 to replace, so very important not to lose.
7. hand hygiene. the most commonly used terminology at parkland. i had no idea that i was washing my hands incorrectly my whole life. they showed us the spots that are most commonly missed. there is sanitizer next to every patient room and i use it approximately 12 times a day with a hand wash in between every 4 or so of those. crazy.
6. apparently almost every social worker at parkland went to the same social work school i did, though i only recognize 1 of them. she and i graduated together (she is an aggie too!).
5. i learned at orientation that 113,000 people applied at parkland in the last year and 1,100 were hired. makes me feel very good about being chosen.
4. the new little white rock coffee drive thru shack is on my way to work. could make me broke but also makes me oh so happy.

3. there are 9500 employees at parkland and they have their own police department. this is a little nuts. on my first day of work, the police trained us how to handle different crises including an active shooter, a child abduction, etc. remind anyone of grey's anatomy? too bad i haven't seen any mcdreamys or mcsteamys.
2. i was finally given the code for the lock on the secret bathroom that is only for nurses and us. thank goodness.
and the most important thing i have learned since working at parkland is...
1. the good food is on the first floor of the med school. burger house, subway, chinese, salad place, starbucks. the parkland cafeteria is good, but finding this gem of a food court changed everything :)
Friday, September 9, 2011
change of heart?

thank you robin and brad for your hospitality. you are amazing hosts and i cannot express how much i appreciate you letting me stay with you.
back to life, back to reality
new job - check. new house - check. new phone - check.
things are falling into place around here and i could not be more thrilled about the fresh start that is fixing to ensue.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
nothing much to say...
so, i woke up this morning thinking about how much i am going to miss my bedroom when i leave this place. i like where i live alot but the office is always hot, the kitchen is tiny, the bathroom is always dirty (could that be my fault?), the front porch is about to fall off, but my bedroom, my bedroom is awesome (as mentioned here). i guess i haven't ever had a bedroom that i liked this much becuase i have never really cared about what kind of bedroom to look for. you better believe i will be thinking about it now. it isn't like i spend a ton of time there or anything, really i just do my sleeping there, but it is cool and dark, even during this horrid heat wave, and i feel peaceful in there. i have 6 nights left to sleep in that room and will enjoy every last one of them.
can you tell i am bored and just want to post something on this damn blog?
on another note, while the logistics of unemployment really suck, i have actually had quite a good time in the 2.5 weeks that i have not been working. i have had a garage sale, gone swimming, to the spray park and the aquarium, had a few dinners and lunches with friends i don't get to see very often and some i get to see all time, spent time with kid friends, attended a few happy hours, put together the rest of my photo albums, watched a lot of movies, went shopping, played bunco and clue, and had a fabulous little getaway to college station. good times. and good ways to avoid packing and job hunting...precisely like what this blog post is doing for me now :)
i have been doing a lot of daydreaming about where i would move if i don't find a job soon. this is what i have come up with. not too shabby right?
Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
red river, new mexico (my favorite place)
Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
or just the mountains in general (seems peaceful and cool, right?)
Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
or washington dc (help make some change in this country?)
Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
or maybe austin (where there is an endless supply of good music and fun friends)
Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
or nyc (and maybe work for the planned parenthood federation of america?)
Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
or maybe just bum around europe (it seems very ugly though :))
in the end though, i think i would just like to keep bumming around east dallas.
so, as said before, keep those fingers crossed friends.
Monday, August 8, 2011
canton co-op
kyle's band, tacks the boy disaster
this is kyle jammin' on the drums
my jeruselum
this girl was rockin the bass and it was awesome
and michael kincaid opened with an acustic show (i couldn't find a video but snapped this pic...he was amazing!)
looking forward to my next rrip to canton co-op!
looking for some inspiration

all cards found here
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
one picture (of myself)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
two songs

solsbury hill - peter gabriel
not sure why but this song has always been and will always be one of my very favorites (video is a little weird though).
there's your trouble - dixie chicks
this is the song that brought me to the awesome realization that i can sing exactly like natalie maines. i love her.
Monday, July 25, 2011
three films

Sunday, July 24, 2011
four books

i loved this book. i actually love all of her books that i have read. they are thought provoking and make you see situations from points of view that you wouldn't normally think about or sometimes wouldn't want to think about. most people love her or hate her and to give fair warning, all of her books are somewhat controversial and make you think about hard issues. nineteen minutes is about a school shooting and is very thought-provoking. jodi picoult is definitely one of my very favorite authors.
2. apa style guide - american psychological association
had to include this as it was my bible both times i was in grad school. it tells you how to write papers, cite sources, and be grammatically correct. a must have for any social science-related masters student :)
my favorite book last year. if you haven't read it, you must immediately. i loved it so much because it is an interesting, and frequently funny, way to tell a difficult story about a time that is not that far in our history. the characters are amazing and i highly recommend. the movie comes out august 10 and looks as though it may do the book justice.

ok, i almost didn't put this on here because i wanted to put smart books by smart women that make me look like i only read smart and interesting things. it would be a lie. i LOVE to read crap and my favorite is any thriller with some romance mixed in. i have many authors in this genre that i read, but sandra brown is my favorite and i have read every one of her romantic thrillers. i also and a political thriller junky and love vince flynn. i aspire to write my own crap novel and make tons of day i will.
all pictures found here
Saturday, July 23, 2011
five foods

i love food. all food (well, except avocado and cottage cheese). so in order to narrow it down, i decided to pick 5 of my favorite things that my mom makes. she is an amazing cook and has spoiled us with home-cooked meals our whole lives.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
six places

5. the patio of my favorite bar (i couldn't choose one, so i included both)