Wednesday, July 27, 2011
one picture (of myself)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
two songs

solsbury hill - peter gabriel
not sure why but this song has always been and will always be one of my very favorites (video is a little weird though).
there's your trouble - dixie chicks
this is the song that brought me to the awesome realization that i can sing exactly like natalie maines. i love her.
Monday, July 25, 2011
three films

Sunday, July 24, 2011
four books

i loved this book. i actually love all of her books that i have read. they are thought provoking and make you see situations from points of view that you wouldn't normally think about or sometimes wouldn't want to think about. most people love her or hate her and to give fair warning, all of her books are somewhat controversial and make you think about hard issues. nineteen minutes is about a school shooting and is very thought-provoking. jodi picoult is definitely one of my very favorite authors.
2. apa style guide - american psychological association
had to include this as it was my bible both times i was in grad school. it tells you how to write papers, cite sources, and be grammatically correct. a must have for any social science-related masters student :)
my favorite book last year. if you haven't read it, you must immediately. i loved it so much because it is an interesting, and frequently funny, way to tell a difficult story about a time that is not that far in our history. the characters are amazing and i highly recommend. the movie comes out august 10 and looks as though it may do the book justice.

ok, i almost didn't put this on here because i wanted to put smart books by smart women that make me look like i only read smart and interesting things. it would be a lie. i LOVE to read crap and my favorite is any thriller with some romance mixed in. i have many authors in this genre that i read, but sandra brown is my favorite and i have read every one of her romantic thrillers. i also and a political thriller junky and love vince flynn. i aspire to write my own crap novel and make tons of day i will.
all pictures found here
Saturday, July 23, 2011
five foods

i love food. all food (well, except avocado and cottage cheese). so in order to narrow it down, i decided to pick 5 of my favorite things that my mom makes. she is an amazing cook and has spoiled us with home-cooked meals our whole lives.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
six places

5. the patio of my favorite bar (i couldn't choose one, so i included both)
seven wants

1. a new camera
2. to travel to exotic lands (and take picturew with my new camera)
3. to love exercise
4. to find the love of my life
5. to find a job i love (that pays enough to not live paycheck to paycheck...does that exist?)
6. to stop obsessing about needing to lose weight and just do it
7. someone to deal with every aspect of this upcoming move, including but not limited to, packing, moving, unpacking, buying and arranging beautiful new furniture (i wish!), and having all utilities, cable, internet, etc. hooked up upon my arrival.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
eight fears
Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
Source: via Marcy on Pinterest
Monday, July 18, 2011
nine loves

2. live music (and twirling to it)
3. floating (lake, river, ocean, pool, hot tub...i don't discriminate)
4. gambling (here we go YO!)
5. cold, draft beer
6. sending & receiving cards via snail mail
Source: via Joanne on Pinterest
7. shopping
Source: via Kelly on Pinterest
8. birthdays
9. my people