Sunday, June 19, 2011

boston or bust part 2

boston did not disappoint!
we watched with pride as our grad walked the stage,
attended class at MIT (did not see matt damon cleaning the floors),

played with MIT's fun gadgets (obviously super smart people go to school here),

enjoyed the most amazing meal at the top of the prudential building,

saw beautiful sites on our boat tour of boston harbor (was going to include shots of the scenery but isn't my family cute? love this photo)

watched 14 innings for 7 hours to eventually see the red sox win at fenway (possibly my favorite part of the trip),

rubbed the toe of john harvard for luck (do you recognize from the social network? sadly, that is all i could think of on this amazing campus),

saw some awesome sites at the aquarium,

then ate yummy seafood at the oldest restaurant in the US (is that bad that we looked at the cute fish right before we ate them?),

toured harpoon brewery (highly recommend this),

and finally, we cheers'ed at cheers before we had to head back to dallas.

i cannot wait to go back and explore this city more. it far exceeded my expectations.

1 comment:

  1. I love this trip Marcy....:))))) You deserved this and I just wanted to say I HEART you!
