luckily, i have the most wonderful family and friends who give me happiness and strength and calm (and don't judge me for being an emotional nut)

and a woman who i talk to a couple of times a month (ok fine, she is my therapist. if you don't have one, you should try it...addicting :)) who has helped me see how truly rare and precious it is to have people like this in life, who genuinely listen, care, and will go with you through anything, no matter how silly or serious.

she has also helped me see that i can take the strength that they give me and use that strength to do positive things for myself...my health, my happiness, my future.
so i will take this knowledge with me and will stop trying to convince myself that everything's fine, i will lean on my family and friends and not feel guilty about it, i will take some time to do something for me and to figure out what i need, and i will repeat this over and over until i actually follow through :)
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